Unsure of What To Do After School?

Deciding on what to do after finishing school can be a confusing and difficult task.  Function1 Guidance provides a specialised Leaving Cert Career Guidance service.

Contact Function1 Guidance today for all you need to know.

“Maria provided me with information and guidance regarding the CAO process which enabled me to approach my exams and my future goals with confidence.”

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Would you like guidance on how to complete your CAO and/or UCAS application?
  • Are you confused about minimum entry requirements for entry to further and 3rd level education?
  • Do you find it difficult to understand the different levels of learning?
  • Are you unsure if 3rd level is the right route for you?
  • Would you like to learn more about the different career sectors you could study within?
  • Would you like to learn more about alternative entry routes to furthering your education?
  • Are you considering an apprenticeship?
  • Are you considering a PLC course?
  • Are you thinking about studying outside of Ireland?
  • Would you like more information about the financial supports available to students i.e. SUSI (Grant), HEAR, DARE & Scholarships?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then contact Function1 Guidance today for expert Leaving Cert career guidance.